"My passion for taking pictures is an investment for my future"
I’m someone who tries really hard to find the beauty in life, and I try even harder to share that beauty. This is the entire reason [why] I take photos at all. I’m terrified of forgetting. I am a hopeless addict to nostalgia. This mental cocktail creates this panic in me to document things that happen before they’re gone, in order to have proof they existed. Memories are so important to me. My greatest fear is developing Alzheimers, as some people in my family have. I think my passion for taking pictures is an investment for my future. To have beautiful images to look back on and say “that was my life”!
Canon AE1 Program
Highway Fiend - (Amber T200 Film)
I was in Florida, on the highway, when this motorcyclist came up parallel to our car. I rolled down my window, pointed at my camera as a way of asking to take a photo (consent is important, people!). He gave me a thumbs up. Several of the photos ended up super blurry, but this one I think has a fun vignette blur to visualize the speed we were going. I sometimes wonder what this guy is doing today…
Electric Ferris Wheel- (Kermir 160 Film)
Taken in Orlando, Florida. I really loved how the neon lights contrasted the starch darkness of the sky behind it.
Truck Weathered - (Amber T800 Film)
After a violent rainstorm, my mom and I drove around looking at the damage. We came across this poor truck that was victim to the winds. Now that I think about it, I should’ve offered this photo to the owner for his insurance claim.
Grandma’s Shed - (Amber T800 Film)
I have loved this shed for all of my life. I remember using it to play house as a kid. The doors were so hard to slide open and there were snakes in there; but the pure charm of this tiny building inspired my imagination like nothing else. This photo perfectly encapsulates the midwest to me. It feels like home.
Papa is Blue - (I don’t remember what film)
This was taken in South Carolina on a reunion trip for my Grandparents’ 50th Wedding Anniversary. This film got messed up somehow, but I think it turned out so cool. That’s my Grandpa in front of the entrance to a ferris wheel.
Instagram @t3sreau