"Things that often get you confused at first glance hold a lot of weight if you’re willing to be patient with it."
What is your process?
Don’t trip on life. Don’t try and solve anything. Instead create from the issues, emotions and things you experience.
What inspires your work?
Life itself and spiritual truths. In 2016 I started to dive into more physical mediums of art. Photography was something that caught my eye especially the street photography I was seeing in Daidō Moriyama’s work. The chaos and really abrasive nature of his photography was refreshing and cathartic to see. It felt like a practice I could pick up and shine my own light on. The camera became a way for me illustrate what was going on in my interior life.
When did you start shooting and sharing photos?
In 2016 I got my first 35mm point shoot [camera] and started to collect a bunch of other cheap cameras. I don't believe in having the most expensive piece of equipment or the cleanest image. I started sharing my shit because I was irritated with all the formalities of Instagram and VSCO photography. All the clean portraits and food boil my blood. I like harsh images and abstraction. Things that often get you confused at first glance hold a lot of weight if you’re willing to be patient with it.
What’s your favorite photo you’ve taken and why?
This couple at Huntington Beach I shot in 2017 is still my favorite image and holds a lot of good memories for me. I was walking on Huntington Beach pier and saw these two just talking and enjoying the night while sharing cigarettes. Favorite moment I've ever captured.
What camera do you use?
Ricoh gr2 and Pentax. Soviet era cameras find themselves in my hands as well at times.